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#1 2009-03-17 07:56:21


IE 5.5 and IE 6 Print preview doesn't work, in 7 + 8 works beautifully

Unfortunately it's not easy to post any screenshoots, so I'll send them to contact at In IE 5.5 i got permission denied error in line 507 (whatever that means wink) and empty Print preview window. In IE 6 I get just empty Print preview window.

Just a question. Did you think including also version IE 5? That would be really cool cool. It's dying but not dead yet wink.

Is it possible to set longer (more characters) Subject in this Forum? Sometimes just Subject already tells everything smile.



#2 2009-03-17 08:16:30

DebugBar Support

Re: IE 5.5 and IE 6 Print preview doesn't work, in 7 + 8 works beautifully

Yes, the print preview problem has been reported in the forums already. I am working on it.

About IE5, I don't plan to integrate it in future versions so far.



#3 2009-03-24 13:24:47


Re: IE 5.5 and IE 6 Print preview doesn't work, in 7 + 8 works beautifully

Thanks for 0.3.2. Now IE 6 Print preview works big_smile.

Last edited by filip (2009-03-24 13:25:25)
