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Forums are now closed as we moved them to google groups. You can use the following Google Groups to discuss about DebugBar and IETester products:

#1 2012-01-22 16:34:53

DebugBar Support

DebugBar v6.0 released!


I'm happy to announce the new DebugBar version 6.0.
It has a new interface and allow to change the html code on the fly, as well as other nice features:

* Revamped interface
* It's now possible to edit html source code and computed CSS code of the currently selected node
* Added Ctrl+Enter on script console as a shortcut to execute the javascript
* Resize Windows feature (in DebugBar Toolbar) now working in protected mode
* Added IETester menu entry for IE9 and IE10 in DebugBar Toolbar
* Added Pashto language option




#2 2012-12-14 11:44:23

New member

Re: DebugBar v6.0 released!

Hi I was wondering if you have a date for the next release? Great software by the way keep up the good work.



#3 2012-12-14 18:10:18

DebugBar Support

Re: DebugBar v6.0 released!


I don't have an exact date yet, but the version 7.0 will be released probably in january or february 2013. The change will be the option to undock the devbar from the left, or to dock it at the bottom of the ie window.
