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#1 2012-02-06 08:56:36
Only default IE selection works.I'm running this on a virtual pc on my mac. Only the default IE selection works. When I try any of the others I get the message, 'Error when launching sub-process (2)' I'm running Windows 7. Offline #2 2012-02-06 09:41:30
Re: Only default IE selection works.Do you have windows 7 32 or 64 bits ? Did you install IETester on a specific directory, different than the default one? Offline #3 2012-02-06 10:13:38
Re: Only default IE selection 64. I believe the default. It appears within my user directory in windows. Offline #4 2012-02-08 20:20:16
Re: Only default IE selection works.The default install directory is in Program Files and not the user directory. Can you send me the exact folder where IETester is installed ? Offline |