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#1 2008-07-05 15:22:53
IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedWhen the debugger notices an error and the notification shows in the top-left corner of IE, the window does not show up in the alt-tab subwindows. Really annoying. Offline #2 2008-07-07 06:18:34
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedHi, Offline #3 2008-07-07 07:30:35
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedThis is also the case of all DebugBar dialogs ("windows"). Offline #4 2008-07-07 15:10:30
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedHi, Offline #5 2008-07-07 20:27:33
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reported@fabrice: Uhm, correct, how silly of me. Offline #6 2008-07-23 16:13:13
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedI can understand it for when there's a dialog open (marginally), but the error notification pops up on several sites while I'm regularly browsing. I only want to actually look at the debuginfo when I'm working on my own sites. So I guess I'm just requesting that when the small top-left javascript error notification is up, to allow IE to popup in the alt-tab things. Or to easily allow toggling the companion on or off, without having to go through a whole bunch of menu's. Offline #7 2008-07-23 16:28:55
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedHi, Offline #8 2008-10-24 08:29:53
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedOh actually, that's not a very bad idea at all. Sorry for the rather late reply Offline #9 2008-10-24 10:07:10
Re: IE windows hidden from alt-tab while JS error reportedYes, will add it in the todo :-O Offline |