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#1 2008-12-02 01:17:54

New member

IE 6.0 bullet list behaviour

Greetings - thanks so much for this wonderful tool, I use it daily.

I have just updated to the newest version and viewed a page that I know has a problem in IE6. It doesn't have the problem anymore, but I know it should (tested on IE6 and the developer hasn't changed the code).

It's the bug where bullet points disappear when you hover over items. Refer to 'Solution to disappearing bullets in IE' at for an explanation.

I'd rather not post the URL to the development page here, but I could email it to you if you'd like to see.

Could you direct me to the installation files for the older version of IE Tester so that I can still test this page properly? It's the version that has IE8 beta 1 in it.



#2 2008-12-02 01:41:15

New member

Re: IE 6.0 bullet list behaviour

I've figured out the URL for v0.2.2 so I downloaded that and it works as I expected.



#3 2008-12-02 10:33:20

DebugBar Support

Re: IE 6.0 bullet list behaviour


So IETester v02.2 has the right behaviour and v0.2.3 is wrong right ? Bad news :-(

You can send me the url so I will check the problem and try to correct it on a future version.



#4 2008-12-02 21:37:59

New member

Re: IE 6.0 bullet list behaviour

Yes unfortunately that is the case - v0.2.3 is wrong. 

The page in question has been fixed because we had to release it, but to recreate a page with the same issue, save this one ( and its CSS, then remove 'position:relative' from '.newsItem li'. When you view the page in IE6, the gold triangle bullets at the top of the news items list will disappear when you hover your mouse over them.

I have created such a test page for you, but will email you the link privately rather than post here as it is not something we want out on the web.
