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#1 2008-01-16 13:37:36

New member

Problem with Companion.JS installation


It seems impossible for me to complete the installation : the popup "please shutdown all your IE instances" comes over and over again though I have no IE window opened. I tried many things, even a reboot did not clean the things up, so there may be something strange there.

I installed Debugbar and no problem.

Christophe Klopfert.

Last edited by Myrddin (2008-01-16 14:36:11)



#2 2008-01-16 13:41:53

DebugBar Support

Re: Problem with Companion.JS installation


The install is checking if one or more "iexplore.exe" processes are running during install.

You can check if there is such a process with Task Manager.

On which system are you installing Companion.JS ? XP ?

After a reboot, the iexplore.exe process should not be running, that is really strange.

Which DebugBar version did you install ? Because the same check is done when installing v 5.0 beta 1, but not before.
So, for the current DebugBar v4.1.1 , the check is not present, that is why you may have installed DBB without troubles are get the problem with Companion.JS

Hope this helps.



#3 2008-01-16 14:35:28

New member

Re: Problem with Companion.JS installation

Nah, I was just too dummy to check if there were any alive iexplore.exe processus in the processus list. Of course that was the problem.

And it seems that, as I've chosen IE7 as my default navigator, it pre-loads it during the session initialisation (I am running XP). So I just killed the processus and everything went fine then.

Thanks for the quick answer anyway ! I am going to test all this, but it seems as a definitive tool for a web developing programmer. Keep it up !

Christophe Klopfert



#4 2008-01-16 14:38:58

DebugBar Support

Re: Problem with Companion.JS installation


Good to see it is working now.

Hope you will like the tool and it will be useful to you.

Any feedback welcome ;-)
