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#1 2009-01-08 13:41:36

New member

IE8 tab used to work and doesn't now

I really appreciate what a wonderful tool this is.
I was testing this page and had been able to use all the tabs.  Then all of a sudden -- just a couple of days ago -- no changes to anything on my machine (running Vista business), the IE8 tab doesn't work.  The IE6 and IE6s tabs work just fine and shows me what a lot of work I have to do! 
thanks for the great program.



#2 2009-01-08 13:52:12

DebugBar Support

Re: IE8 tab used to work and doesn't now


I suppose you are talking about IETester and not DebugBar, right ?

If IETester was working fine before, I suppose something happened on the system.

What is your default IE version installed ?



#3 2009-01-08 14:00:04

New member

Re: IE8 tab used to work and doesn't now

sorry, about evidently being in the wrong forum topic.  Yes, I'm working with the IE Tester.  (can you move the post to the right location?)
The default browser is FireFox but the version of IE is 7.0.6.
I can't think of anything that happened with the machine.  I don't think there was a MS update.
would the best thing be to uninstall IE Tester and download it again?
thanks for the so quick help



#4 2009-01-12 11:08:33

DebugBar Support

Re: IE8 tab used to work and doesn't now

Yes, you can try to uninstall/install again IETester.
