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#1 2009-01-19 20:41:31
Using IE 7 and IE8 tabs problem Windows XPIE7 and IE8 are not allowed, see: Offline #2 2009-01-19 21:02:32
Re: Using IE 7 and IE8 tabs problem Windows XPI suppose you have XP with IE6. If this is the case, as stated in the IETester homepage : Offline #3 2009-01-20 08:15:24
Re: Using IE 7 and IE8 tabs problem Windows XPIf I install IE 7, would it be ok? Last edited by daedae (2009-01-20 08:22:04) Offline #4 2009-01-20 08:45:01
Re: Using IE 7 and IE8 tabs problem Windows XPIt should work with IE7, butI think you will also need to install SP2 if not already installed. Offline #5 2009-01-20 08:48:03
Re: Using IE 7 and IE8 tabs problem Windows XPI`ve installed IE7 and it works great! Thanks, this is an great program! Offline |