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Pages: 1
#1 2009-03-01 15:29:37
microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / errorJavascript for applying blendTrans or revealTrans cause error in IE6, and IEtester to crash in IE5.5. Errormessage in Dutch, translates something like this: automation not supported by this class (?). As far as I know these filters are supported by IE4 and up, and they work fine on a 'real' IE6 (on XP). Offline #2 2009-03-02 00:32:40
Re: microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / errorWhat is your OS and IE installed version ? Offline #3 2009-03-02 13:54:59
Re: microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / errorWindows XP Home Edition (SP2), IE7 installed (as well as FF, Opera, Safari). Offline #4 2009-03-02 13:56:27
Re: microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / errorWhat is the message displayed for IE6 tab and do you have a sample page where I can see the problem ? Offline #5 2009-03-02 14:24:19
Re: microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / error Offline #6 2009-03-03 08:32:54
Re: microsoft dynamic filters (blendTrans, revealTrans): crash / errorHi, Offline
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