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#1 2009-03-18 22:49:40
IETester v0.3.1 and DebugBar v5.2.1 released !Hi all, Offline #2 2009-03-20 13:36:12
Re: IETester v0.3.1 and DebugBar v5.2.1 released !Holy crap, I love the way you implemented debugbar there! Great job, thanks! Offline #3 2009-05-25 12:29:19
Re: IETester v0.3.1 and DebugBar v5.2.1 released !OMG! Thank you so much! Really awesome work! Offline #5 2009-07-21 12:32:15
Re: IETester v0.3.1 and DebugBar v5.2.1 released !i installed IETester v0.3.2 before now installed again updated version ( IETester v0.3.4 ) but here also i'm not getting all new features like ie 8 tab. it is same as version 3.2 Offline #6 2009-07-21 12:38:59
Re: IETester v0.3.1 and DebugBar v5.2.1 released !Please, can you provide the information as told in the announcement ? Offline
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