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#1 2009-03-25 13:38:58

New member

Plugin install prompt don't show in IE Tester (IE 8)

If you are visiting a page requiring a plugin that is not installed, standard IE 8 shows a install prompt. This prompt do not show up in IE Tester.

IE Tester version: 0.3.2
IE version: 8.0.6001.18702

Last edited by sabbacus (2009-03-25 13:41:17)



#2 2009-03-25 13:47:41

DebugBar Support

Re: Plugin install prompt don't show in IE Tester (IE 8)

IETester do not handle plugins install. It is intended only for web page testing.

Use the standard IE to install the plugin and it should be available into IETester then.

So, if you want to test the plugin install into IETester, that's not possible so far. I will add this to my todo list by the way for a future version, but this is not a priority.



#3 2009-03-25 15:13:06

New member

Re: Plugin install prompt don't show in IE Tester (IE 8)

What I want to to is test what happens to IE when I load a page (rendering, plugin prompts and so on). The lack of this functionality reduces the use of IE Tester since I have to check it in "real" browsers as well.

I still love the application though, impressive!

Cheers <3
