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Forums are now closed as we moved them to google groups. You can use the following Google Groups to discuss about DebugBar and IETester products:

#1 2009-04-03 21:46:08

New member

DebugBar enabled hangs my TCP/IP traffic

When I have the DebugBar enabled, my network traffic gets stopped. I can run an endless loop of PING to some outside site, or an internal IP, and as soon as I enable the DebugBar, the PING reports "Request timed out". This keeps my other applications from accessing anything, even my network drives. I think there is something wrong here.

I am using Vista (just installed SP1, might be an issue?).




#2 2009-04-04 06:37:39

DebugBar Support

Re: DebugBar enabled hangs my TCP/IP traffic


This is not possible. DebugBar is only running when IE is running, and is running only under IE. So it cannot have impact on other applications in the system.

Be sure to have downloaded DebugBar from the original website (
