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#1 2008-02-28 16:04:10

New member

Minor Bug with buttons and select lists

I'm running IETester on Windows XP with the default chrome.

The IETester application uses those styles (plus the stuff from vista), and looks great... but my content within the (IE7 default) tabs and IE6 tabs use the "Windows 95" sort of grey rectangular buttons and drop arrow for select lists.  I think the IE 5.5. ones were like that anyway.

I'm not sure if this is something that can easily be fixed, but it would be a nice perk.

(and for me, so far, no crashes) ;-)



#2 2008-02-29 00:08:33

DebugBar Support

Re: Minor Bug with buttons and select lists

Right !

I will correct that in a future version.



#3 2008-02-29 13:13:13

DebugBar Support

Re: Minor Bug with buttons and select lists


This bug ha been corrected in the version 0.1.3 launched today ;-)
