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Pages: 1
#1 2008-03-12 01:32:16
Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.logJust discovered this nifty little addon but having problems... Last edited by Ampa (2008-03-12 04:00:22) Offline #2 2008-03-12 13:56:28
Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.logHi, Offline #3 2008-03-12 21:42:17
Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.logThanks for the reply. Offline #4 2008-03-12 21:48:59
Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.logSo, it looks like everything is working. Offline #5 2008-04-11 14:40:29
Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.logI get the same behavior, console works the first time but not on refresh. Offline
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