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#1 2008-03-12 01:32:16

New member

Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.log

Just discovered this nifty little addon but having problems...

console.log is not working, I get an error... 'console' is undefined.

I also tried the dummy page, but when I click 'click' I get 'error' is undefined (which I am pretty sure is not the intended outcome!)

However, the install completed successfully, and the About window says all is OK, I see the window at the bottom of my screen, the source view and console prompt work fine.

So, what is wrong?

Any help appreciated.

[IE7 with MultipleIE IE6 on WinXP SP2]

Edit: Grrr typo in title... id = is , can't change it though sad

Last edited by Ampa (2008-03-12 04:00:22)



#2 2008-03-12 13:56:28

DebugBar Support

Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.log


About the "error". Do you have the standard popup window error when you click on "click here" in the demo page ? Or do you have Companion.JS notifier (a little window in top-left of the page) ?

About "console" feature, can you try with the following page :

and tell me result ?




#3 2008-03-12 21:42:17

New member

Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.log

Thanks for the reply.

Your test page...
First time, it works! I get no errors, and the 4 console messages appear in the Companion.JS console. BUT, if I refresh the page I then get 4 errors...

'console' is undefined (line 4) (test_console.html)
Syntax error (line 3) (test_console.html)
'console' is undefined (line 10) (test_console.html)
Syntax error (line 9) (test_console.html)

These errors are displayed in the right hand pane of the source tab of Companion.JS

Regarding the 'errors'...
These too appear in the right-hand pane. They are not windows errors, nor in the Companion.JS notifier.

If I can assist any more, let me know smile



#4 2008-03-12 21:48:59

DebugBar Support

Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.log

So, it looks like everything is working.
The "console" feature is not working on refreshes so far. It will be corrected on the next release.

The "error" feature shows javascript errors on the right pane. You can double-click on an entry in the list to open the tree and see the "call stack" of the error. Then you can find and correct the bug.

The companion.JS notifier opens only when the bottom panel is not open.

If something is not clear, feel free to post again.



#5 2008-04-11 14:40:29

New member

Re: Companion.JS v0.3 'console' id undefined on console.log

I get the same behavior, console works the first time but not on refresh.

I definitely thought something was broken as well, esp because console did not work at all on v 0.2

Good to hear it will work in the next release, thanks!
