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#1 2009-10-26 11:37:23

New member

ie Tester v0.4.2 version of internet explorer 6 is not working

Each time I have tried to get a tab for internet explorer 6 to work correctly on the system it causes a problem giving me a message a tab has crashed for a unknown reason. You can reopen the tab by clicking on the reopen tab button. Bug keeps happening on windows 7 proffessional, V0.4.2 VERSION OF IE Tester and always on Internet explorers before 7 & 8.

Last edited by amituppal30 (2009-10-26 11:38:42)



#2 2009-10-26 12:25:03

DebugBar Support

Re: ie Tester v0.4.2 version of internet explorer 6 is not working


Do you have ie extensions installed or Microsoft Script Debugger installed ?
