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#1 2010-05-13 14:20:46
Can't launch IE 9 tab via the All IE versions dialog* Win 7 x86 (7600) + IE 8 Offline #2 2010-05-13 21:54:04
Re: Can't launch IE 9 tab via the All IE versions dialogHi, Offline #3 2010-05-30 19:08:22
Re: Can't launch IE 9 tab via the All IE versions dialogHi, Offline #4 2010-06-08 03:44:38
Re: Can't launch IE 9 tab via the All IE versions dialogNow both "IE 8" and "IE 9" checkbox in the dialog will launch IE 9 PP >.> Offline #5 2010-07-10 14:13:18
Re: Can't launch IE 9 tab via the All IE versions dialogIm also seeing IE8 checkbox open IE9 from this. Offline |