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#1 2008-03-31 17:57:05
Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?I installed Companion.JS and the Microsoft Debugger and for a day things worked beautifully. I turned on my computer the next day and Companion.JS is no longer capturing the javascript errors. I get the normal popup with yes/no asking me if i want to debug? Is there anything I can check or do? I have since uninstalled everything and re-installed with no resolution. Has anyone had this issue? Offline #2 2008-03-31 18:01:22
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Are you in protected mode ? Companion.JS is not capturing js errors on protected mode (this is a limitation so far....). Offline #3 2008-06-24 12:35:52
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?I am having the same problem. I even disabled the JIT debugger following the steps on your page. Still no success. The about windows shows the following information: Offline #4 2008-06-25 11:26:17
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Please, go to the Manage add-ons under IE and check if the "Companion.JS BHO" extension is enabled. Offline #5 2008-06-25 14:33:35#6 2008-06-29 19:33:44
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Hi, Offline #7 2008-07-01 06:17:17
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Thanks, fabrice. I still have the same problem. Probably is caused by some kind of incompatibility with another software, but I haven't identified which one. Please, send me the version that generates logs. You have access to my profile email address, right? Offline #8 2008-07-28 14:48:56
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Any news on this? I have not received anything yet... Offline #9 2008-07-28 14:55:37
Re: Companion.JS not capturing javascript errors?Right. Offline |