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#1 2010-09-16 06:09:17
IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!Thank you for autodetecting the new IE9 B1 and use it as default browser for IETester on Vista and 7 (even 64-bit). Offline #2 2011-01-12 04:42:30
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!Is there any way to add IE9 beta to ietester. Like we used to add the preview version. Offline #3 2011-01-12 05:50:50
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!
You need to download the Platform Preview 7 instead: Offline #4 2011-03-14 22:45:40
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!Do you see a way to someday support IE9 rendering on Windows XP? Offline #5 2011-03-15 00:05:19
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!"Do you see a way to someday support IE9 rendering on Windows XP?" Offline #6 2012-10-24 15:29:09
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!Do you see a way to Sometime support IE9 version on Windows XP/7? Last edited by Shaun32119 (2013-03-21 15:15:18) Offline #7 2012-10-24 16:18:16
Re: IE9 B1 + IETester rocks!I have no plan for supporting such a config, sorry. Offline |