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#1 2011-02-24 07:54:27
Not able to paste into fieldsNot sure if this is intentional or not, but in IETester v0.4.8 (and all previous versions), I'm not able to paste a value into a field, like from the computer's copy/paste function, or through a third-party macro app like Hot Keyboard Pro. Two issues I'm sure, but possibly related? Either way, it's a pain. (Although the app is the cat's meow - this is my own pain point). Offline #2 2011-03-07 20:36:47
Re: Not able to paste into fieldsHi, Offline #3 2011-09-13 04:09:51
Re: Not able to paste into fieldsSeems to be working now with IETester version 0.4.11 in IE9 and IE10 platform review in Win7. (Able to paste values into the on-screen fields now). Still doesn't work in IE8 of IETester version 0.4.11 (using the same page in all three IE version screens). Offline |