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#1 2011-04-13 04:24:28
IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7When trying to test a page with the IE6 tab I get this error: Offline #2 2011-05-09 04:09:40
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7I have a similar problem. I'm running Win7 32 bits Professional (I don't think there is any service pack installed) with IE9 installed and my ietester version is 0.4.10 Offline #3 2011-05-10 19:29:02
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7Hi, Offline #4 2011-05-11 03:59:50
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7Thanks fabrice! Offline #5 2011-05-14 00:05:41
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7x32 Windows 7 SP1 Corporate Edition with installed IE 9.0.8112.16421, IETester v.0.4.10 Offline #6 2011-05-15 11:44:47
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7I've encountered same problem with you. []questions and answers by women, for women[/url] Offline #7 2011-05-18 01:51:54
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7I am having the same problem as described at the top of this post. IE 5.5 and IE 6 tabs crash every time on open. Offline #8 2011-07-05 22:27:03
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7I'm having the same problem. Offline #9 2011-07-06 07:30:22
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7I have the same problem as described in the posts above. I do not have any proxy settings configured. Offline #10 2011-07-27 13:56:59
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7Is there any news about this? IETester is an awesome tool that has rapidly made me dependent on it. I'm a bit lost without my IE6 tab... Offline #11 2011-07-27 14:05:41
Re: IE6 Test chashes in Windows 7This is another thread discussing the same problem: Offline |