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#1 2011-05-01 01:28:51
IE9 Tab CrashesHi, Offline #2 2011-05-02 13:00:20
Re: IE9 Tab CrashesI wanted to test something in IE9 without actually installing IE9. I'm observing the same issues as the original poster. Same info, but with Vista Home Premium instead of Ultimate. Offline #3 2011-05-03 06:01:06
Re: IE9 Tab CrashesHi, Offline #4 2011-05-06 04:28:44
Re: IE9 Tab CrashesI too am having the same problem. I have isolated my cause under an IE9 tab to the following code. Offline #5 2011-10-01 10:33:00
Re: IE9 Tab CrashesThis appears to still be an issue. While IE Tester is a great tool, this issue severely limits the ability to test IE9. Last edited by crave81 (2011-10-01 10:35:11) Offline |