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#1 2011-05-26 23:17:11

New member

problems with 8/9 when loading from file

Really useful program ~ thankyou.

I've got a problem with loading from file.  The real website is … ndex.html, and it loads fine in all IE versions (10 not tested).  When I try to load the local file version in IE 8 or 9, IETester hangs.  If I run my 'real' IE9, it works fine.

Not sure how best to give you the files for test: probably best if you download them direct from the site:

Running as administrator does not help. If I have just 'index.html' and 'chi.css' in the file store it still hangs.  Removing 'chi.css' allows it to work.

IETester will recover if I kill the relevant process (with appropriate 'tab crashed' message); useful feature.
The '.ie9' on the IE9 process name is helpful: it would be good to put in the equivalent for the other processes.



Windows Vista SP2, 32 bit.  IE9 is IE browser (Chrome is default browser).
IETester 0.4.10
problem tabs: IE8, IE9, Default
sample url as above (when copied to filestore)
Copy the files to your filestore and load into the relevant tab.
