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#1 2011-06-19 02:13:38

New member

Screen errors on IE7, IE8

I am getting a screen error in both IE7 and IE8. I upgraded to IE8 and the error remained so I dropped back to IE7.
The error comes up on any webpage I use.
The error only appears with IE, as I've used Google and Mozilla Firefox browsers and the error doesn't appear there.
I would prefer to use IE as my browser as I'm happier with that !
It says:-

"Problems with this web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future you can display this message by double clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar"
Bleow that it shows error codes.
This is happening every few seconds.
I have got Windows Vista Home Basic on my laptop. I use "StopZilla" as my antivirus software. Im currently using IE7.
Any help would be gratefully received!



#2 2011-06-21 18:39:32

DebugBar Support

Re: Screen errors on IE7, IE8


Is your problem happening when using DebugBar, ro is the message displayed by DebugBar ?

If it's not related to DebugBar directly, you should try ot post on Internet Explorer forum and not here are we don't usually discuss about IE problems.

