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#1 2009-09-25 08:54:12

Emil G.
New member

Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server

Hi all

I've just installed v0.5 within my old IE6. It works perfect ...


for developping purposes, I use a local Apache server in my computer. When I load a page from my "localhost" web, It produces a fatal error on IE (IE6 stops and produces a dump file) when console.log is called, whereas same page is working fine (Companion.JS works fine) when loaded from an "external" server ... If I desactivate Companion.JS, no more problem on localhost.

Anyone has an idea to fix this strange problem ?

Configuration :
Windows XP
IE v.6.0.2900
MS Debugger v. 1.0.7295
Companion.JS v0.5

In advanced options/ browser, both "script debug" options are activared.



#2 2009-09-25 08:56:47

DebugBar Support

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server


Can you provide a basic HTML page that is crashing IE?

Does it happens only when using console.log ? What arguments do you have on your console.log call ? Can you try with a simple text on console.log ?




#3 2009-09-25 10:26:15

Emil G.
New member

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server

I've tried console.log on a simple text ... and it works.

So my trouble comes from a difference between my "local environment" and "server environment".

After a deeper investigation, I found it ... and resolved it. I forgot to desactivate "console.log" declaration as a custom function (used before installing Companion.JS). Once desactivated, everything is normal.

I can therefore say that Companion.JS works perfectly on local environment.

Anyway, in my opinion  the fatal error should not be normal. Only a JS error should have happened if trying to declare a function that already exists. I can give you my JS source code if you wish to investigate this point.

Thanks Fabrice.



#4 2009-09-25 11:50:42

DebugBar Support

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server

Yes, I am interested by this bug. If you can provide an url or sample code so I can reproduce the problem that would be nice.




#5 2009-09-25 11:54:54

Emil G.
New member

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server

just add this line to your JS code :


and IE will probably crash



#6 2009-09-29 11:02:23

DebugBar Support

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server


The problem is identified. A new Companion.JS version will be released soon with a correction of this bug.



#7 2009-09-29 12:21:24

DebugBar Support

Re: Fatal error using Companion.JS with IE6 and "localhost" server


The new Companion.JS v0.5.1 is correcting this problem.
