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#1 2009-03-20 18:50:45
CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarI just updated IETester this morning and I am really pumped to use the DebugBar in IETester for IE6. Offline #2 2009-03-20 19:06:13
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarHi, Offline #3 2009-03-20 19:07:25
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarI see, maybe the problem is with the "Attrs" tab : Maybe it is a little bit evasive, but this tab shows the list of attributes defined by the user in the source code. Offline #4 2009-03-20 19:14:29
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarI was thinking that when I dragged the target over and selected an element that it would give me the list of CSS attributes. The main reason I want to use this tool is for CSS debuggin in IE 6. I found the list of CSS selectors but when I try and edit the values it doesn't change. That's what I do in Firebug (sorry to compare but it's the best tool for what I do). Offline #5 2009-03-20 19:24:51
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarThe "Comp. Style" is what you want right ? It show the current applied styles to the element. Offline #7 2009-03-20 20:10:29
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarIf that's what you're referring to then I'm stoked. You have a rad product and have done awesome work with it. If that is possible to do with the latest release then I would love to know how cause I just can't seem to figure it out Offline #8 2009-03-20 20:16:52
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarI had a thought. I'll just throw this out there. Is it possible to add something in on right-click? On the Mac using Safari or FF if you right-click on something there is an option to "Inspect Element". In FF if you have Firebug installed it will open Firebug open with that element selected and the same happens in Safari with it's developer tool. Offline #9 2009-03-20 20:23:11
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarOK, a lot of questions coming :-O !
I suppose your screenshot is from IE. It looks like the edition does not work under IETester because the "Enter" key is not working. This is a bug, so I will try to correct this asap and release a corrected version.
There is a similar tool in DebugBar : On the "DOM" tab, there is a target icon : Click on it, kep the mouse button down and you can fly over the web page and it will show elements. Release the mouse button and the element will be selected in the DOM tree with all the information for this elements in the subtabs (source code, style, com. style, attrs, ...). Is it what you want ? Offline #10 2009-03-20 20:36:02
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarthe very last screenshot I posted was from your homepage. Offline #11 2009-03-20 20:44:41
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBar
Yes I realized this after I posted my answer :-O !
I'll try to add this feature in a future release if possible (but it won't be a priority, live css editing is in the top of my list...)
I have no workaround so far... So I will work hard to provide a correction in the next few days if possible. Offline #12 2009-03-21 11:12:11
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarThe attribute edition bug will be corrected in the next DebugBar version : Offline #13 2009-09-28 05:43:26
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarI still can't edit CSS attributes. I'm not sure if it's supposed to work that way or not. I can edit the HTML tag attributes (id, class, name, etc), but can't change the actual CSS to try different styles. Offline #14 2009-09-28 16:56:49
Re: CSS attributes are not showing in IETester with DebugBarHi, Offline
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