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#1 2009-10-08 19:27:23

New member

[debug bar] - more freedom allow

1. Debug bar left or right or bottom plug feature allow please if possible
2. Toolbar icon smallest, medium, large, largest option allow
3. Toolbar few option disable or enable
4. Page source code editing click > open my defined *.exe (like notepad++ or netbeans) instead of using system defaults

5. Please keep features of fireBug of (firefox) , because many web pages we created in firefox and then move to IEtester for final publish.

6. Allow toolbar to put our own buttons, to create ourself plugins like (notepad++ ), to write codes in pureBasic or realBasic or or c++



#2 2009-10-09 09:08:52

DebugBar Support

Re: [debug bar] - more freedom allow


Thanks for your feedback. A lot of your requests are already in my todo list and will come in future releases.

1. Debug bar left or right or bottom plug feature allow please if possible

Already in the todo.

2. Toolbar icon smallest, medium, large, largest option allow

Not sure this is really important. Might come some day but not my priority so far.

3. Toolbar few option disable or enable

I suppose you mean, enable/disable Javascript , enable/disable cookies, etc... buttons ? If so, already in my todo. Maybe it will come first under IETester. Don't know yet.

4. Page source code editing click > open my defined *.exe (like notepad++ or netbeans) instead of using system defaults

Don't understand this one.

5. Please keep features of fireBug of (firefox) , because many web pages we created in firefox and then move to IEtester for final publish.

Well, it just needs to be implemented ! It takes time for some features...

6. Allow toolbar to put our own buttons, to create ourself plugins like (notepad++ ), to write codes in pureBasic or realBasic or or c++

Already in the todo, this will come in a future release (but not top priority so far).
