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#1 2009-10-07 16:18:15

New member

Latest 0.4.1 - Clear Cache Complete not working

This is what I am experiencing.

I fire up IE6 tab. Change my js code.  Hit refresh complete (no cache) I expect it to see my change, it does not. If I click "Internet Explorer Options" nothing happens.

If I fire up IE8 (the default IE on this Winxp SP3 system) and clear cache, then all tabs respond as I would expect, showing my change.

The clear cache is the one essential piece to this product. I know that IE is a bear, but taming this piece would make it worth buying.



#2 2009-10-19 08:42:47

DebugBar Support

Re: Latest 0.4.1 - Clear Cache Complete not working

If I click "Internet Explorer Options" nothing happens.

This will be corrected in v0.4.2

About the cache, there will be an option to disable the cache in v0.4.2
