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#1 2007-11-13 16:37:35

New member

Feature Requests/Bugs

Just downloaded the latest Beta of the Debug Bar!  I thought I would offer up some suggestions on improvements.

1.) The attributes in the Source tab, should reflect the REAL source, not the <xmp> IE Source.  Not only does it return incorrect tags, quoteless attributes etc. but there are some issues with it returning the correct node structure too.

2.) Ditto with the CSS tab, I've never set a 'BORDER-RIGHT' property in CSS ever... yet the style tab is littered with these UPPERCASE tags.

3.) Tab contents... tend to vanish if you have ANY iframe contents that refresh (META), thus if you navigate to a certain element, you need to read it before the next refresh (this includes navigating to any content not in the iframe.

4.) I would (if you can) place the drag target icon on the right (e.g. align-right) of the sidebar... since it is frequently used, and users will want to have it handy.

5.) The Run JavaScript button on the Script Tab gets cropped top/bottom... I would also recommend not setting the width as 100% as it only makes it look real cheesy because of the IE button stretching bug in XP

6.) The Email Screenshot feature (which sounds great) is Hard Coded to use Outlook.  Since I don't use Outlook, like 1,000s of others, this feature will be broken for many developers.

7.) After playing with the zoom feature (and the debug bar sidebar closed), if you reset the zoom to 100%, then click the button to open the sidebar, IE crashes.

8.) Some sort of Outline feature would be very handy (e.g. outline Table cells)

Otherwise, still a million times better than the MS IE Developer Toolbar.



#2 2007-11-13 18:31:40

DebugBar Support

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Hi Steve,

This is a huge list ! Thanks for the feedback.

I will try to answer some points :

1/ The source code is from the outerHTML value from the element. So you are right it is not exactly the real source code from the server. But this is the correct node, so I don't understand the last part of the point : Any page sample is welcome to understand and correct the problem.

2/ I use the IE "interpreted" css code of the rules. That is why there is a difference between the real css source code and the one displayed. Having the real css source code may be possible, with some big work, I will try to think of that for a future version.

3/ Yes you are right. What do you propose as a solution ? Freeze the refresh ? Keep the element in memory ?

4/ Good point. That may be an option so user can decide. Will try to add that one on a next release.

5/ Yes... I think I have to revamp all this tab, and decide if I add it to Companion.JS... not yet decided.

6/ The email screenshot is launching the default email client. AS many people are using webmail, the email client is still Outlook by default. I will change this feature to a simple screenshot (and optionally email) feature.

7/ Well done ! I can reproduce the bug. I will try to correct it for the next beta version.

8/ Yes, I keep the idea for a future release.

Thank you for all the feedback.



#3 2007-11-15 10:27:59

DebugBar Support

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs


I corrected the bug #7 of your list (the zoom problem). So the next release will be ok.

Thanks for reporting it !



#4 2007-11-15 18:41:05


Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Wrong forum I guess...
Good list though.

Last edited by Ricardo (2007-11-15 18:42:50)



#5 2009-12-22 07:32:44

New member

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

That is why there is a difference between the real css source code and the one displayed. Having the real css source code may be possible, with some big work,you have ANY iframe contents that refresh (META), thus if you navigate to a certain element, you need to read it before the next refresh this includes navigating to any content not in the iframe.



#6 2010-02-11 18:11:01

New member

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Any progress in getting companion.js incorporated into IETester?  Reason: I'd like to be able to do js stops and traces of my apps in versions of IE that are older than my installed version.



#7 2010-02-11 22:45:04

DebugBar Support

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Unfortunately nothing so far, but this will not solve your problem anyway, because there is no step-by-step debugging yet under Companion.JS.



#8 2010-02-14 17:14:28

New member

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Ah, thank you for taking the time to respond. 

Not yet having gotten companion.js to work, I didn't know there was no step-tracing in it.

Here's my question then.  Given that I felt empowered enough by the existence of IETester to upgrade my Win XP to IE8, is there any way now for me to step-trace/debug my application in IE6?

Addendum: One thing that would be useful would be a way to see something like FireFox's Error Console while looking at an IE6 view of a page in IETester.  Is there a way to do that?

My last resort is to go back to plonking alert()'s everywhere in the js code to find out why the IE6 version isn't working.

Last edited by jfkelley (2010-02-14 17:21:46)



#9 2010-02-14 18:55:02

DebugBar Support

Re: Feature Requests/Bugs

Addendum: One thing that would be useful would be a way to see something like FireFox's Error Console while looking at an IE6 view of a page in IETester.  Is there a way to do that?

Not so far. Companion.JS is not yet integrated into IETester, and I don't know when it will be available (that means it can take a long time).

BTW, you can use virtual machines to test IE6 under XP/IE6.
