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#1 2008-05-14 17:01:44
Javascripts URL's loaded twiceIf a linik refer to a Javascript URL, the javascript is sometime executer twice and it replace the URL of the document in the IETester AddressBar. Offline #2 2008-05-15 08:47:14
Re: Javascripts URL's loaded twiceCan you send a sample page with the problem ? Offline #3 2008-05-15 19:13:05
Re: Javascripts URL's loaded twiceCode:<html><body> <a href="javascript:void(alert('Vous avez cliqué !'));"> Cliquez ici ! </a> </body></html> Last edited by FremyCompany (2008-05-15 19:13:36) Offline #4 2010-07-22 12:44:07
Re: Javascripts URL's loaded twiceI also have the same problem. When I click in my normal IE8 on the link "javascript: void(0);" the link works fine and I'm send to the next page (after saving the data). But when I try it in IETester, the javascript is inserted in the adresbar and I'm not send to the next page. It did save the data though. Offline |