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#1 2010-03-18 13:29:41
WOW!!I have regularly Googled "IE testing in vista" or "standalone IE6 for windows 7" related searches for YEARS and have never seen something this good!! I registered just now to let you know how amazing your software is, there is nothing else even comparable for designers who are still concerned with designing for ie6... you are a godsend to the web design community! I am going to look for your Paypal button! Thanks again friend --Anthony Offline #2 2010-03-18 13:32:54
Re: WOW!!Thank you ! It' always good to see people happy by the tools I'm developing ! Offline #3 2010-08-20 03:14:52
Re: WOW!!
I have just registered for exactly the same reason. I have been using this for quite a while now and just visited to download the latest version. I run a Website Hosting business specialising in CubeCart E-Commerce stores and design custom skins for clients. Your tool has been invaluable in doing testing for all the old versions of IE still being used. Offline #4 2011-03-21 07:16:54
Re: WOW!!Microsoft is encouranging its users to stop installing IE6 Offline #5 2011-06-25 11:05:47
Re: WOW!!...and here's one more BIG thank you!! Very cool software, right what I've been seeking for for all the last years! Will promote it!! Offline |