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#1 2010-08-23 15:10:04

New member

Read conditional IE statements in HTML

I really like your multi-browser tester. Extremely helpful in showing the pitfalls of IE. But I notice (or I don't know how to use it) that IE5, IE6, and IE7 do not or cannot read the conditional statements I put into the head of my HTML program:
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<link href="css_IE_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

I set up a separate CSS stylesheet for IE6 or lower (and changed some of the colors for quick analysis) but nothing happens in the IE Tester. Only the original IE8 stylesheet was read.

So is it possible to do what I am doing with this tester? Or is this a needed enhancement? Thanks.



#2 2010-08-25 12:02:13

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

Solved it! At least for IE5 and IE 6. Not sure yet how to conditionally isolate IE7 CSS from IE8 CSS, but must be some absolutely random piece of syntax that will accomplish this. I have a roomful of Shakespeare-writing monkeys working on it. (And the richest man in the world is responsible for this?)



#3 2010-08-26 10:46:23

DebugBar Support

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML


Good to know. Conditional comments should work on IETester, but I didn't test this feature seriously, so there might have some errors. BTW, I got some random errors from real IE version as well :-O



#4 2010-08-26 16:19:45


Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

hollisterbulldawg wrote:

Not sure yet how to conditionally isolate IE7 CSS from IE8 CSS

<!--[if IE 5]>
<!--[if IE 6]>
<!--[if IE 7]>
<!--[if IE 8]>

you can also use
if lt...
if lte...
if gt...
if gte...

full list is there:



#5 2010-12-01 00:52:47

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

I can get conditional stylesheets to load for ie7 and above but not for ie6 (I have not tested below 6). I am using Windows Vista and IETester v0.4.6.




#6 2010-12-04 09:56:19

DebugBar Support

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML


Can you provide a sample page with your problem ?




#7 2011-02-06 11:15:47

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

I can't get it to recognize conditional comments at all, not in any version of IE. That's true for every Web page I've ever tested. If there are conditional comments, I always have to resort to getting online browser screenshots, which is a pain and useless for testing a page's functionality. I'm running Windows XP, and I’m now using version 0.4.7. I upgraded from 0.3.5 hoping that the conditional comment issue would be fixed. No such luck. By the way, I had to disable the Multi Process Mode since I had nothing but problems with IETester with it enabled.



#8 2011-02-06 12:55:21

DebugBar Support

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML


Could you provide sample code, a sample page, an sample url where I can test the problem ?
Note that the multi process mode might become the only mode in the future, so if you would be more precise about the problems you are facing on Multi Process mode that would be helpful.

Thank you.



#9 2011-02-06 13:29:35

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

I could give you a link of the site that I'm presently constructing, but, instead, I created a simple HTML page with nothing on it but text and some links. There are conditional comments present that should change the link colors in IE6 and 7, but that is not happening. The text on the page explains what should be happening.

I just discovered something else as well. If you have a conditional comment for IE8, IETester applies it to all versions of IE, not just 8. I can make up a test page for that, too, if you need it.

In regards to the problem with Multi Process Mode, I'll put that in another thread since it's off the topic of this one.



#10 2011-02-06 13:58:31

DebugBar Support

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML


Thanks for the detailed info.

Testing with the following page as well :

I could confirm part of your information but some other parts are not behaving the same on my machine (Win7 32 bits with IE9 beta installed).

IE8 and IE9 instances on IETester see IE7 conditional comment, which is a bug for sure. But I don't see IE8 conditional comment applied on all versions as you say.

I'll work on the IE8/IE9 instances problem.

Thanks for reporting it.

If you have a different behavior, please provide your operating system (XP as you said) AS WELL as service pack and default IE installed.



#11 2011-02-06 14:10:14

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

XP, Service Pack 3. The installed IE is 8. Since I'm on XP, I can't test IE9. All the other bugs are as I described before, which now sounds like it might be an XP issue. I'm hoping this doesn't mean that it's a bug that will never be fixed. IETester is an invaluable resource for me, but the conditional comments problem makes it so that when I get around CSS issues with such comments, I can't see in IETester if they fixed what they were intended to fix. Someday in the future when I can afford to get a new computer, it'll have Windows 7, but, until then, I have to make due with XP. I never even considered upgrading to Vista, not with all its problems.



#12 2013-10-30 02:14:00

New member

Re: Read conditional IE statements in HTML

Hi there
I still can not read the statement in HTMl
I have installed an image  program which supports to read and process HTML files before: … l-reading/
But i found it can not work with IE.So i want to know is there any other  powerful program
supports to do that?
