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#1 2008-05-01 10:32:37

New member

Cannot preview in IE7 and IE8 beta

Hi, I just installed it and IE7and IE8 tabs are inactive. I cannot click on them to open the browser window like how its open for 5.5 and 6. Any ideas why? Thanks



#2 2008-05-01 10:50:16

DebugBar Support

Re: Cannot preview in IE7 and IE8 beta


What is your OS ? If you have XP without SP2, that is the current behaviour. IE7 and IE8 tabs are not yet working on this configuration.



#3 2008-05-01 10:58:33

New member

Re: Cannot preview in IE7 and IE8 beta

Just got this program. Great idea and potential.
I too do not see IE7 and IE8. I looked at properites under MyComputer. It says I have MS Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, SP2.

Funny, just yesterday I had a huge mess up as everything looked fine under IE6 and Firefox (I don't have IE7 at work), yet I got home and was informed that thigns broke in IE7. I could have used this, then.



#4 2008-05-01 11:57:47

DebugBar Support

Re: Cannot preview in IE7 and IE8 beta

Oooops ! You are right. When IE7 is not installed, there is the same problem, even with XP SP2, that is IE7 and IE8beta 1 are not enabled.

I am working on this to make it work on a future release.
