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#1 2011-05-16 22:30:28

New member

[Windows 7] IE6 tab always crashes in IETester 0.4.10. Please help me.

IE6 tab crashes when I open the tab. sad
When I try to reopen IE6 tab, it crashes again.
Could you help me to find a solution? I really need to test my forms in IE6. T_T
The proxy of my IE browser is disabled.

1. OS: Windows 7 Professional K 64bit
2. IETester version: 0.4.10
3. IE Tab: 6
4. Test case: any url
5. IE6 tab crashes when I try to open IE6 tab.



#2 2011-05-30 19:44:54

New member

Re: [Windows 7] IE6 tab always crashes in IETester 0.4.10. Please help me.

Same problem here.

OS : Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits
