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#1 2010-07-31 06:41:21
IETester crashes automatically when we left out the tabs for sometimeSystem Requirement: IETester v0.4.4. OS: Windows Xp Sp2, IE- 8.0 Offline #2 2010-07-31 09:49:03
Re: IETester crashes automatically when we left out the tabs for sometimeYes, it has been reported several times on the forum already. Offline #3 2011-06-29 05:23:38
Re: IETester crashes automatically when we left out the tabs for sometimeDitto here but it's done this since I started using it roughly 3 years ago. I always use the most current version. It's rather annoying. Offline #4 2011-06-29 20:32:24
Re: IETester crashes automatically when we left out the tabs for sometimeHi, Offline
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