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#1 2011-07-11 04:22:57

New member

Recent upgrade to IE9 may have broken my IE tester


Has anyone heard of IE upgrades breaking IE Tester? And, if so, what can be done to resolve it? It seemed to be fine when I had IE7 (I run Windows 7 Home Premium), but now doesn't work. I *think* the only thing I've done is upgrade to IE9 ...

I read about some DLL things, but was unable to resolve with the fixes I tried and am a little hestitant to muck around with the registry unless I know how to undo it if I need to!

Thanks for your help. I think IETester is great and have been totally reliant on it for customers who cannot move from IE6 yet.




#2 2011-08-30 23:26:35

New member

Re: Recent upgrade to IE9 may have broken my IE tester

OK, so I uninstalled the IE9 upgrade and IETester works again.
Uninstall IE9 update instructions: … explorer-9
