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Forums are now closed as we moved them to google groups. You can use the following Google Groups to discuss about DebugBar and IETester products:

#1 2008-05-27 12:40:04

DebugBar Support

IETester v0.2.2 released

Hi all,

I am happy to announce the release of IETester v0.2.2 including the following changes :

* Added Search Box (Ctrl+E or Ctrl+K shortkeys)
* Customizable Homepage
* Added shortkeys : F5/Ctrl+R for Refresh ; Ctrl+F5 for Complete Refresh
* Added a "Refresh Complete" menu entry to bypass cache on refresh
* Added "Refresh All" menu entries
* Corrected drop-down select bug on IE7
* Corrected small icons for ribbon buttons
* Added numerous translations

Enjoy !
