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#1 2011-09-21 08:53:54
win7 - v0.4.11 - 5.5 tab displays errors & 6.0 tab has display errorwin7 SP-1 IE8 version 8.0.7601.17541 - all updates applied Offline #2 2011-09-25 11:42:28
Re: win7 - v0.4.11 - 5.5 tab displays errors & 6.0 tab has display errorHi, Offline #3 2011-09-25 20:49:29
Re: win7 - v0.4.11 - 5.5 tab displays errors & 6.0 tab has display errorthanks...NEVER MIND....IE6 with Virtual Windows XP has the same display error so I assume it is just an IE6 issue even though it was not an IE5.5 issue. Last edited by dmreed (2011-09-25 21:38:15) Offline #4 2011-10-10 18:37:13
Re: win7 - v0.4.11 - 5.5 tab displays errors & 6.0 tab has display errorI would like to suggest that the IE5.5 test be retained because IE9 Quirks Mode defaults to IE5.5 Offline
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