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#1 2008-03-09 22:49:46

DebugBar Support

Debugbar v5.0 final released !


I am happy to announce the release of DebugBar v5.0.

Here are the changes :

* When an element is selected on the DOM tree, the following information can be displayed :

Source : The tag source code will be displayed.
Style : The tag style will be calculated and displayed
Comp. Style : The tag computed style (that is the resulting style after all the css rules and inline rules are applied) will be displayed.
Layout : The tag layout will be displayed.
Attrs (existing feature): You can see the list of attributes defined for this tag, modify then and see DIRECTLY results under Internet Explorer !''' : Moreover, when this attribute is a "class" attribute, the list of all the defined attributes in the styleSheets are displayed in a combo box for the selection !
And the existing features are still there with HTTP/AJAX requests viewer.

* Added "Rendering Page time" in the Info tab

* Full unicode support

* Corrections and optimisations

You can download the new versio here :

Feel free to post on the forum for bugs and suggestions.



#2 2008-03-10 03:27:32


Re: Debugbar v5.0 final released !

I am happy to announce the release of DebugBar v5.0 beta 1.

And I'm happy to know the final version is now complete!

P.S.: Fix your post: change beta 1 with final. And remove this post.

Last edited by Ricardo (2008-03-10 03:28:45)



#3 2008-05-30 03:04:31

New member

Re: Debugbar v5.0 final released !

