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#1 2008-05-23 00:35:27
<!--[if IE 8]>Hi, I'm not sure how to use CC (in the HTML doc header) for IE 8 beta 1 in my version of IETester 0.2.1 on 64bit Vista system. Offline #2 2008-05-23 07:05:21
Re: <!--[if IE 8]>Hi, Offline #3 2008-06-03 09:35:35
Re: <!--[if IE 8]>It's sort of good to know that conditional comments don't work for IE8 beta in IETester, as I had also came across this bug and it had me confused! Offline #4 2008-06-11 08:16:12
Re: <!--[if IE 8]>try: Offline |