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#1 2012-07-09 13:51:15
window.external.inprivatefilteringenabledI've looked all over the place to find out about this, but every page I test my site with pops ups this error 3 times in a row: Offline #2 2012-09-13 15:06:55
Re: window.external.inprivatefilteringenabledI reported it too: … alled.html Offline #3 2012-10-23 03:28:51
Re: window.external.inprivatefilteringenabledI am having same problem - loads 3 times for me too! Last edited by malkau (2012-10-23 03:30:40) Offline #4 2012-10-23 16:54:53
Re: window.external.inprivatefilteringenabledThose are not alerts, those are juste messages from IETester to tell that a window.external function has been called. This is informative. I need to remove this and add a log so it's less intrusive. Offline |