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#1 2008-07-11 14:24:52

New member

Licencing issues

This app is invaluable, but appears to re-package Microsoft's IE DLLs, something expressly forbidden by their EULA.

We're FAST accredited and cannot use illegally licensed software.

Do you do anything to avoid this? Can this software be distributed without the packaged DLLs?



#2 2008-07-12 12:56:10


Re: Licencing issues

KeithHenry wrote:

This app is invaluable, but appears to re-package Microsoft's IE DLLs, something expressly forbidden by their EULA.

We're FAST accredited and cannot use illegally licensed software.

Do you do anything to avoid this? Can this software be distributed without the packaged DLLs?

How do you want to load an application without her DLLs ?



#3 2008-07-12 16:23:03

New member

Re: Licencing issues

The problem is not that it references the IE DLLs, they're free to reference and free to have on your machine if you have windows.

The problem is that the installation for this app comes with a copy of the DLLs.  This requires a redistribution licence.

Just because you can download a DLL for free doesn't mean that you can send it on to anyone else, especially embedded in your software.

IE Tester would be legit if the app didn't come with copies of the DLLs, then you could (legally) get copies of them from Microsoft and just point IE tester at them.



#4 2008-07-12 19:20:41


Re: Licencing issues

fabrice wrote:

- are you aware of any EULA issues?

Looks like it is illegal to redistribute IE dlls, and it is even more illegal to install different versions of IE dlls into the same machine. So MS could be unhappy about that...

Quote from … se%3F.html



#5 2008-07-13 16:49:37

DebugBar Support

Re: Licencing issues


That's right IE could be unhappy with that. The fact is that IE team people knows about IETester and they didn't complain yet.

IETester is intended to help web developers work faster. MS could decide to stop it. They didn't do it so far....



#6 2008-07-13 17:58:26

New member

Re: Licencing issues

fabrice wrote:


That's right IE could be unhappy with that. The fact is that IE team people knows about IETester and they didn't complain yet.

IETester is intended to help web developers work faster. MS could decide to stop it. They didn't do it so far....

Thanks for the reply,

That's great that the IE team won't take any action, but unfortunately it doesn't carry any legal weight. FAST will still consider it to be pirated software, any developer caught with pirated software on their machine has transgressed my company's computer use policy and could be dismissed as a result.

Not good.

The ultimate penalty for use of unlicensed software is that the CTO/CIO could face gaol time. That means we have to take it pretty seriously. Every application on any machine in my company must have a licence.

It's a pity, because the devs on my team have found this app useful, but I'm going to have to tell all of them to uninstall it and delete any trace of it from their work machines.



#7 2008-07-14 04:06:02

DebugBar Support

Re: Licencing issues

Hi Keith,

I definitely understand your point.

I will contact Microsoft and ask them if there are some solutions about this licensing problems.

I will keep you informed on this forum thread.




#8 2008-07-14 07:27:12

New member

Re: Licencing issues




#9 2008-07-31 23:31:23

New member

Re: Licencing issues

Two versions of download - IETester 'Standard' that includes the DLLs and IETester 'Corporate' that doesn't.

If you get the 'Corporate' version, you have to source the DLLs yourself.




#10 2008-07-31 23:37:39

DebugBar Support

Re: Licencing issues

It is not so simple.

First, this is not very easy to get different IE dlls.

Then, I am changing the names of the dll in order to be able to load them side-by-side. So this is not going to work with standard dlls.
