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#1 2013-03-15 05:43:54
PNG's could not be fixed in IE6 tab after installing v0.5.1IE6 tab used to be able to get translucent PNG's fixed by utilizing After installing v0.5.1, PNG now could not be fixed. Offline #2 2013-03-18 05:56:00
Re: PNG's could not be fixed in IE6 tab after installing v0.5.1Hi, Offline #3 2013-03-23 12:48:12
Re: PNG's could not be fixed in IE6 tab after installing v0.5.1The "PNG fix" thing somehow works now. I guess I missed something. Offline #4 2013-03-26 12:28:00
Re: PNG's could not be fixed in IE6 tab after installing v0.5.1It seems that <img> elements could not be PNG-fixed. Last edited by Ian (2013-03-26 12:28:27) Offline #5 2013-05-02 12:59:35
Re: PNG's could not be fixed in IE6 tab after installing v0.5.1I found the same problem, I'm trying to use htc file for resolving the bug but this no cause effect. Offline
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