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#1 2013-03-21 19:46:30
IE 10 & Windows 7?Fabrice, do you have plans to support IETester + IE10 + Windows 7? Offline #2 2013-03-27 00:11:34
Re: IE 10 & Windows 7?Good question. I don't kow yet. Right now, you can upgrade to IE10 on windows 7 and use the "Default IE" on IETester. Offline #3 2013-03-28 19:28:03
Re: IE 10 & Windows 7?So if I understand correctly, I can install IE10 (via Windows update) & I can then use IETester for versions up to IE 9 and still be able to use IE 10 Offline #4 2013-03-29 03:15:24#5 2013-04-01 12:18:30
Re: IE 10 & Windows 7?If anyone else has tried this please could you let us know how it went. Offline #6 2013-04-02 17:12:54
Re: IE 10 & Windows 7?Hi Last edited by fdlwebmaster (2013-04-02 17:14:15) Offline #7 2013-04-03 17:01:46
Re: IE 10 & Windows 7?@fdlwebmaster - Thanks for the feedback and link - yes, I think I'll wait a bit Offline |