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#1 2008-10-14 11:12:05
console.log() to log multiline textis there a way to log a multiline message? line breaks are ignored (\n), but in the same time tabulation \t works just fine. Offline #2 2008-10-14 11:46:34
Re: console.log() to log multiline textHi, Code:console.log('test\nline 2\nline 3\nline4'); is generating 4 lines. Offline #3 2008-10-14 12:03:37
Re: console.log() to log multiline textthis code rendered to a single line in my environment: testline 2line 3line4. What can I do to help you figure out this issue? Offline #4 2008-10-14 12:07:12
Re: console.log() to log multiline textGive me more information : What is your OS version, what is your IE version ? Offline #5 2008-10-14 12:22:16
Re: console.log() to log multiline textwindows 2003 server R2 standard x64 SP2 Code:<html> <body> <script> console.log('test\nline 2\nline 3\nline4'); </script> </body> </html> as i said, \t was displayed as tabulation. I have a suspection, it might help you: Code:console.log('test\\n a lot of text goes here'); will be displayed as: Code:Console [16]= testa lot of text goes here note the double slashes in the original string, they and the following 'n' symbol aren't in the output. Code:console.log('\\'); is displayed as: Last edited by sly (2008-10-14 12:30:17) Offline #6 2008-10-14 13:09:25
Re: console.log() to log multiline textSorry ! Offline #7 2008-10-14 13:14:09
Re: console.log() to log multiline textthanks, I'm looking forward for the update :-) Thank you for the great tool! Offline |