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#1 2013-07-29 18:19:22

New member

Target finder does not find items within multiple iframes


I am finding that the finder functionality does not work when the page has multiple nested iframes. It finds the main iframe fine but not the nested ones. Is there a way to make the finder functionality work down to the actual imput, etc  on the nested iframes and tables?

When I manually dig through the dom I can find the imput and have it highlighted.

The IE Developer boar does find them, however, I am having to use IE 8 and the IE bar does not work that well with IE 8.



#2 2013-07-30 04:12:28

DebugBar Support

Re: Target finder does not find items within multiple iframes


I suppose the page is not publicly available right ?
If so, is it possible for you to save the entire html page and send it to me in a zip file (removing sensitive information if there is one ?).
This way, I will be able to debug and fix the finder tool problem.

Thank you!
