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#1 2013-11-12 20:20:53

New member

v7.3.1 new version prompt doesn't go away

I was prompted by "A new DebugBar version has been found. Click "Yes" to go to the download page" which I did and I installed version 7.3.1 but every new page I open comes up with the same prompt.

How do I stop it prompting for a new version without disabling the plugin?

I am running an unregistered version using IE10 on Windows 7.
The About dialogue box says Debug Toolbar v7.3 DeubgInfoBar v7.3



#2 2013-11-13 03:22:47

DebugBar Support

Re: v7.3.1 new version prompt doesn't go away

Sorry about that. My mistake. The link on the download button is still pointing to v7.3

I fixed it and it's pointing to v7.3.1 now so you should be able to dowload and install the latest version.

Thanks for reporting it!



#3 2013-11-13 03:37:36

New member

Re: v7.3.1 new version prompt doesn't go away

Yeah! that works. Now running v7.3.1
Thanks Fabrice
