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Pages: 1
#1 2008-12-28 10:29:11
IE5.5&IE6 bug in IE Tester when using many AlphaImageLoader filter(i'm so sorry but i'm not very well in English, you can feel difficult in understanding my sentences. T_T) Last edited by oloklir (2008-12-28 10:43:34) Offline #2 2009-01-02 07:35:51
Re: IE5.5&IE6 bug in IE Tester when using many AlphaImageLoader filterHi, Offline #3 2009-01-07 10:08:39#4 2009-01-07 12:25:06
Re: IE5.5&IE6 bug in IE Tester when using many AlphaImageLoader filterfabrice, thanks so much for this life-saving tool (this is my first post)! Last edited by zumazon (2009-01-07 12:28:05) Offline #5 2009-01-12 00:30:51
Re: IE5.5&IE6 bug in IE Tester when using many AlphaImageLoader filterI know that filters applied for transparency on IE5.5 and IE6 is not very well supported by IETester. It may improve in a future release. Offline
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