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#1 2008-04-24 23:11:09
IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6IETester works fine on my platform (XP SP2 IE 7). But I found one small bug: Offline #2 2008-04-24 23:39:02
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6Strange, Offline #3 2008-05-27 08:50:17
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6Same problem with me. I have to open an IE7 tab first, then I am am save to open an IE6 tab. Last edited by gerritvanaaken (2008-05-27 08:50:34) Offline #4 2008-05-27 08:51:35
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6Thanks for reporting it. Offline #5 2008-06-05 18:49:17
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6I get this error when running in Parallels too. Strangely, everything works fine in my Windows XP virtual machine in the office but crashes in my XP or 2003 virtual machine at home. Offline #6 2008-06-05 21:33:29
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6Thanks for the feedback. I could reproduce the problem on side and working on it to correct it on a future release. Offline #7 2009-02-05 19:09:25
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6I downloaded and installed IETester yesterday (install-ietester-v0.2.3.exe). If I launch IETester and select IE 6 from New Tab, I get a program crash. If I lanuch my IE-7 app, and then launch IETester and select IE 6 from New Tab, IETester does not crash. I just wanted to add this detail to thread, to possibly help with finding solution to bug. Offline #8 2009-02-05 19:13:57
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6I did major changes for the next version. it will be released soon, so I hope the problem will be solved. Offline #9 2009-02-07 02:10:53
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6thanks for reply. i'll keep an eye out. do you have a release notification system. i'm new to program and site as of yesterday. Offline #10 2009-02-07 09:16:46
Re: IETester crash, when first opend tab is IE6Hi, Offline |