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open new tab
hi there,
it would be great if theres a possibility to change the default page thats opend when open a new tab, with a blank empty page.
great job n keep it up!!
Re: open new tab
Yes, that is right. The goal is to try to get some revenue from ads and searches in the homepage to have some revenue and so have more time for IETester ...
Re: open new tab
correct, but theres other ways to do that  a banner image on the top of the IETester, a banner splasher, ... for me thats better. to say the truth, in both ways i wont look at 'em or even search for some and 99.9% of all users of IETester will use it only for development. If i would like to search, have a toolbar integrated to FF. Some kinda static ad will be better. Yestarday i read an article about some kinda new( well for me) advertisment in Tokio: http://www.cabel.name/2008/03/japan-url … y-out.html
a part from that, found some things that r different in normaly installed IE8 and the one in IETester. png transparency is not workin and most of the css positionin too.
Re: open new tab
Homepage is my first option. It may change in the future, maybe to become totally free, who knows !
Your article is really interesting, I will think about possible integration into IETester 
About the bugs, I will have a look at them. I know there are still a lot of troubles with IETester, but it is improving on every release 
Re: open new tab
now days developers use mostly opensource stuff and dont like ads while workin'. most of the tools are totaly free n the donations they get are from the way they offer their tools. a good free service mean more users and from there more revenue. think about ifs more important for u to open ur website homepage with every new open tab and lose users for that, to have more bandwidth (so pay more for ur host), ... and to get notin from that.
donno its ur desicion, but from that will depends the future of the program.
feel free to mail me if u wanna.
Re: open new tab
It would great to have a few options when opening a new tab. By default, the DebugBar website can be used, but this is not as practical as a blank page. I suggest implementing a sub-menu option for each rendering engine. The following example should be considered: New Tab (on click, new tab returns...) - IE 5.5 (DebugBar Homepage) - - Blank Page (Blank Page) - - Last Tab Location (Blank Page on Null Tab) - IE 6 (DebugBar Homepage) - - Blank Page (Blank Page) - - Last Tab Location (Blank Page on Null Tab) etc..
As far as advertisements are concerned, the right side of the menu bar has sufficient room to display ads ‘windows messenger style’. This would be better than the current (v.02) hardcoded homepage setup, as the ads will be visible during the use of DebugBar.
Also, what happened to the shortcut we have all learned to love (Ctrl+T)?
Re: open new tab
The homepage management will change in a future release.
About the Ctrl+T I don't know how to make it work: Which rendering engine should I open ?
Re: open new tab
Which rendering engine should I open ?
The same as the currently selected tab OR the last opened engine.
It would be very cool a feature to duplicate the currently opened tab (open a new tab with the same page), with an easy shortcut.
Last edited by Ricardo (2008-03-29 21:44:34)
Re: open new tab
I believe the logic to apply around this functionality is a bit more complicated than an else statement. Consider the following situations/solutions:
If User has 0 tabs – Open a blank page calling the last or default rendering engine.
If User has 1+ tab(s) – Display a dialog asking the user what engine to call, then render the last opened tab document. (To avoid a dialog, preferably, a user defined setting can be used).
IETester would be better utilized with this functionality, in my opinion.
Re: open new tab
Looks complex, because different users may want different behaviours on this one. For instance, when I see Ricardo comment, I could imagine a shortcut to open all other rendering engine with the current page of the current tab. Something fast to test a web site on the different rendering engine.
Anyway, there will be something to do on a future release about that to have users happy :-)
So far, I am working on making IETester translated in other langages, and also work on XP without SP2 and without IE7 installed (only IE6).
But all ideas like the ones in this thread are welcome so I can implement those functions little by little on each version.
Re: open new tab
I changed the homepage, removed everything and there is only a google search box now.
Re: open new tab
can help with bulgarian n/or spanish translations
Re: open new tab
I changed the homepage, removed everything and there is only a google search box now.
I think it'll be nice to have the user-agent string displayed so we can be sure what IE version we are running on the tab.
Re: open new tab
Humm.... The original home was designed to get all the info about the instance loaded 
You already have the tab icon that gives you the IE version used. I can add it also to the top right of the page for instance.
Re: open new tab
Hi guys,
IETester v0.2.2 has been launched, and you can change the default homepage now ! There is also an integrated search box.
Hope you like it.