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#1 2009-04-10 13:51:38
type definition of console variablewell. it 's me again! Code:var __empty_function = function(){}; // Boş Fonksiyon var console = console || { // Yararlı bir Hata Yakalama Aracı: log: __empty_function, debug: __empty_function, info: __empty_function, warn: __empty_function, error: __empty_function, assert: __empty_function, dirxml: __empty_function, time: __empty_function, timeEnd: __empty_function }; But it didnt work... Becuase console variable has not a type definition. Code:alert(typeof console); return 'undefined' Last edited by Nickolas (2009-04-10 13:52:03) Offline #2 2009-04-10 14:01:34
Re: type definition of console variableHi, Code:if (console) alert('ok'); else alert('no'); it opens "ok" box. Offline #3 2009-04-10 15:37:29
Re: type definition of console variableSorry but that 's not working... Code:console = console || { // Yararlı bir Hata Yakalama Aracı: log: __empty_function, debug: __empty_function, info: __empty_function, warn: __empty_function, error: __empty_function, assert: __empty_function, dirxml: __empty_function, time: __empty_function, timeEnd: __empty_function }; (No set with var) Code:var console = console || { // Yararlı bir Hata Yakalama Aracı: log: __empty_function, debug: __empty_function, info: __empty_function, warn: __empty_function, error: __empty_function, assert: __empty_function, dirxml: __empty_function, time: __empty_function, timeEnd: __empty_function }; Dont work IE and other browser. This should be work and should be override on new console variable. Last edited by Nickolas (2009-04-10 15:40:29) Offline #4 2009-04-10 16:00:18
Re: type definition of console variableHa. I'm not sure to understand : You code is working under IE but not under other browsers right ? In this case you should post on forums dedicated to those browsers. Offline |